1 in 4 pregnancies are not viable which is why confirming you have a viable pregnancy is essential. At Shreveport Pregnancy Center, you will receive a free pregnancy test, an assessment with a nurse to determine if a free ultrasound is needed.

Enter the date of the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP):

Probable date of conception:
Foetal Age Today:
Best date range for NT scan:
(12 weeks 3 days to 13 weeks 3 days)
Morphology Scan Date:
(19 weeks)
First Heart Tones by Doppler:
(11 to 12 weeks)
Best time to evaluate cervical length in patient with risk factors:
Best time for routine anatomy ultrasound:
(18 to 20 weeks)
Estimated Due Date:
The information provide by this calculator is not a diagnosis. The calculations that are provided are an estimate based on averages and that the EDD provided by the patients’ health care provider is the best date to use. This site is not responsible for incorrect usage of this calculator or incorrect booking times based on information provided by this calculator.
Why Visit our Center?
We know you have choices to make, get the support you need to make them in a pressure free environment. We are the calm place in the midst of your storm.
We offer FREE pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, counseling, parenting/prenatal classes, baby supplies, adoption and abortion education